11 Ways to Find Ideas For Your Company Blog

It seems like every company is blogging these days, and for a good reason.

Having a regularly updated blog will get you 434% more pages indexed by search engines, 55% more website traffic, and make 60% of customers feel more positive about your company after reading content.

On top of that, blogs are relatively cheap and (unlike paid advertising) their beneficial effects will continue for as long as your website stays online. So if your company doesn’t already have a blog, now is a good time to start one.

It’s not always easy to come up with compelling and relevant content for your blog though, especially when you’ve had it for a while. So where do you find fresh ideas?

Well, you might be surprised to learn that many of the best ideas might be sitting right under your nose – inside your business. Writing about your business in a transparent way is a great way to develop empathy from your customers as well as gaining their trust.

Here are ten elements of your business that can serve as inspiration for blog posts.

1. Your Company’s Origin Story

company-origin-storyEveryone loves an origin story, especially a successful one. They are inspiring and make your company relatable and human. So write about how it all started for your company, how it evolved, and how things have changed over the years.

Make sure you include your “why” in the story. This is what people really want to know. Yes, it means being a little more vulnerable and digging a little deeper, but it will be worth it.

Some ideas:

  • Adversities the company overcame
  • Historical events your company lived through
  • Major milestones and achievements
  • Unique customer stories

2. Your Company’s Interaction With The Community

Most companies aren’t just a self-contained unit of business in an area; they interact with the community. This can be the city you’re in, the country, or even the whole world. Whether your company has participated in local events or supports national charities, sharing stories about your company’s interaction with the community is a great way to build sympathy and show your company’s values.

Some ideas:

  • Times your company supported the community during hardship
  • The company’s partnerships with charity and non-profits
  • Support of local initiatives such as sport teams, theatre groups or schools

3. Your Company’s Appearance

blog-ideas-company-appearanceA business’ appearance and branding is never (or should never be) coincidental. There is thought behind every marketing visual your company releases, the website and in some cases even the interior of the office.

Some ideas:

  • The story behind your company’s logo
  • Show the building(s) the company resides in
  • Talk about the interior design of your business
  • The thoughts behind your corporate identity and colour schemes

4. The Way Your Products Are Made

assemblyShowing the way your products are made goes a long way towards building trust, and people love finding out about the usually secretive production process. If you sell services, you can describe exactly what the service provider does, why and how. Keep it simple though. If your company provides complicated software solutions, make sure you convey things in an understandable and entertaining way.

Some Ideas:

  • Videos of the manufacturing process
  • Tutorials on how to perform the services your provide (but in such a way that people realize they need an expert, of course)
  • Blog with photos on all the stages your product goes through

5. The Unique Features of Your Products

uniquenessHow are your products or services different from other companies that offer the same products? This is usually part of your Value Proposition, and talking about in depth can create a great piece of converting copy, especially when you add a call to action at the end.

Some Ideas:

  • The unique origin of your product
  • The unique materials used to make your product
  • The unique way your products are handled or transported
  • The unique time elements of your product, such as longevity or how fast you deliver
  • The unique features of your warranty policy
  • The unique distribution of your product, such as through specific stores or certified brands.

6. Your Company’s Key Staff Members

Tell the stories of the key people within your business. This can really give your company a face and make it relatable and likable.

Some ideas:

  • The founders of your company
  • The CEO
  • People who played an important role in shaping your company

7. What People in Your Company Really Do

office-lifeWhat does a day in the life for someone who works for your company look like? Are there any interesting things they do? Is there interesting knowledge they have? Writing about people in different job positions not only humanizes your business, but also educates your customer, which in turn increases trust.


Some ideas:

  • The current CEO
  • Other senior management
  • The staff involved with actually making the product such as designers or factory staff
  • The people delivering the services or distributing the products. This one can really show how much care you put into your customer’s experience

8. Special Employee Stories

life-after-workEvery person has a wealth of stories behind them, and some of them may be very interesting. Find out if you have any employees in your company that have a unique or inspiring story to tell. This again humanises your company, shows you care for your employees and can establish trust and a good reputation.

Some ideas:

  • Employees with special skills, achievements or hobbies
  • Employees with an inspiring background story
  • Employees who’ve done something heroic
  • Employees whose lives have been positively affected by working for your company

9. Spokespeople & Celebrities

If your company has a famous spokesperson or celebrity endorsements, writing about those is a great way to attract attention and increase brand awareness.

Some Ideas:

  • Interviews with the spokespeople or celebrities
  • Articles about why your company chose the spokesperson or celebrity
  • Guest articles by the spokesperson or celebrity

10. Traditions & Corporate Culture

company-partyWriting about the special, interesting or funny traditions that exist within your company can be a great way to add some humor to your blog. It can also help convey a clear image of your corporate culture and thereby strengthen brand identity and reputation.

Some ideas:

  • Running jokes between employees
  • Urban legends about the company or the people and objects within it
  • How your company celebrates certain holidays
  • Special objects and places within your company. Think of things that have been given a nickname and the story behind it.

11. Customer Stories

customer-story-blog-topicsLast but certainly not least, perhaps the most important aspect of your company to tell stories about: your customers or clients.

Blogging about your customers serves several purposes:

  1. It’s a topic that’s not “all about you” (a big mistake many corporate blogs make is only talking about themselves)
  2. The stories can serve as case studies to demonstrate your expertise and the effectiveness of your solution
  3. You can create brand advocates out of your customers by making them the hero of the story – they are more likely to promote your blog and ergo your company

Examples of blogging about your customers might be explaining how you overcame a particular challenge during a project, or success stories of how your product or service changed the customer’s way of doing things. But don’t make these customer stories too self-promotional or you risk turning off your readers. Keep it helpful and valuable to the reader by always considering what’s in it for them (e.g. a feel-good story or a step by step process of how they can overcome a similar challenge).

Bottom Line

These different aspects of your company – no matter how mundane or small they may seem – all tell a story, and convey your values to your customers. They give your company a face, which makes you relateable and trustworthy, boosts your reputation and strengthens your brand identity.

Things that might seem everyday or boring to you might be very interesting to your customers and help them understand more about who you are and what you do. 

Most importantly, your company should stand for something. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and talk about your values and what you stand for. This will help forge a stronger relationship with your readers and make them more likely to choose you because they know, like, and trust you.